Distinguished Contributor Interview, ISIR 2019 conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota

David Lubinski interviews Randall W. Engle, Georgia Institute of Technology

Randy Engle is a professor of psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Randy is known for his research on working memory, attention control, and intelligence. Specifically, his research takes a combined experimental/correlational approach to investigate the nature of working memory capacity, the causes of its limitations, its role in applied cognitive tasks, and the relationships between working memory, attention, and fluid intelligence.

His work has received funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, DARPA, and the Office of Naval Research. According to Google Scholar, Randy has been cited nearly 50,000 times and his h-index is 80.

Randy is also known to be an exceptional mentor. He has chaired 23 dissertation committees and trained multiple post-docs. Many of his former lab members have gone on to make their own major contributions to the field of intelligence, including Andrew Conway, Mike Kane, Zach Hambrick, Nash Unsworth, Tom Redick, and Zach Shipstead.

Randy has received numerous awards in his career for both teaching and research. Most notably, in 2020, he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences.

Professor Engle’s bio contributed by Andrew Conway, Associate Provost for Research & Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University, USA.