2011: Cyprus
- Distinguished Contributor Interview: Douglas Detterman Click here for Part 1 video at Vimeo
Part 1: In this opening section Doug discusses the strength and depth of research knowledge on intelligence: Strength in our tests, the data gethered, theories for a concept of intelligence, and the practical lifecourse value of IQ testing, from school, work, and health. He highlights the role of intelligence in promoting meritocracy. He then discusses what he sees as the key weakness of the field: That students and researchers are highly unaware of these matters. He highlights that this is modifiable by communicating what we know much better, especially more recent findings. The role of the society, of teaching, of new books is discussed. The lack of any post-graduate program in human intelligence is highlighted, especially as this is a popular topic when taught. The next question is “Where should the field be going?” Doug has no question: Cross-disciplinary – Genetics, neuroscience, developmental, cognitive…; Large-subject numbers; Integrative studies. He argues we need more work three areas: First, development, for instance the work that Ceci is doing and focussing on changes in the structure of information over changes in the brain; Education, which he borrows Richard Nissbet’s characterisation of research in the area as a “disaster” mostly for failing to acknowledge the role of the child. Third, then environment: we lack measures of the environment that work beyond ideas such as chaos in the home.
[vimeo id=”38358625″ width=”620″ height=”360″] Part III: Question Time (Click here for Question time at Vimeo)
[vimeo id=”38086130″ width=”620″ height=”360″]
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