ISIR 2025

We are pleased to officially announce the 25th annual ISIR conference, which will be held in Chicago, Illinois! The conference will be held from July 24–26, 2025 at Northwestern University and will be hosted by Prof. William Revelle. As always, we will have a special IMC welcome event the evening before the conference begins on July 23.

Details forthcoming!

Student travel

All graduate students and postdocs with an accepted oral or poster presentation for ISIR automatically qualify for $1,000 in travel support (for traveling from within the United States) or $1,500 of travel support (for those traveling from outside the United States) from the Institute of Mental Chronometry.  In addition, for these students & postdocs, if they would like to attend IMC’s Welcoming Reception the day before ISIR, an additional $200 of support will be added to each of these amounts. These travel awards are also sponsored by IMC, and the Welcoming Reception is in part to honor the graduate students and postdocs who have been awarded travel grants. This is an excellent venue for students to meet each other as well as leaders in the field, so don’t miss out.