2015: Albuquerque, New Mexico September 18-20
Watch keynote talks on YouTube!
- President’s Invited Address: Steven Pinker
- Keynote Address: Roberto Colom
- Holden Award: Alice Dreger
- Invited Address: Paul Sackett & Nathan Kuncel
- Distinguished Contributor Interview: Robert Plomin
The conference offers an unrivalled opportunity for those interested in intelligence to meet, present their research, and discuss current questions and applications. The 2015 local hosts were Professors Rex Jung and Ron Yeo.
Conference Highlights
[one_half last=”no”] ISIR 2015 full program!View or print the Conference Flyer!
Leading scholar, JOHN LOEHLIN, University of Texas, Austin
Understanding Human Intelligence: The Brain Connection
ROBERT PLOMIN will be interviewed by David Lubinski
PAUL SACKETT and NATHAN KUNCEL, University of Minnesota
What Do College Admissions Tests Predict, and for Whom?: Insights from a Large Scale Research Program
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STEVEN PINKER Harvard University The Sense of Style: How to Think About Writing in the 21st Century.
ALICE DREGER, author of Galileo’s Middle Finger.![]() Understanding Science Journalists and Why They Misunderstand You |
Wine tour on the afternoon of the 17th
For morning or lunch, perhaps take a breaking bad tour, visit the (great) zoo, or just get lunch at one of many nice diners in town.
Trolley Tour $65.00 – September 19th at 1:00 p.m
RV Tours $75.00
Or hire a car and DIY
Afternoon: Host Rex Jung will be offering a small tour on Thursday the 17th to Casa Rondena winery.
Conference Detail
[one_half last=”no”]VENUE & Hotel
The conference is held at Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The street entrance is on Copper St.
Travel: The hotel is a 10-minute cab ride from the airport.
The conference Hotel is now booked out. We recommend the Hyatt or Double Tree, both within easy walking distance.
Electronic submissions opened March 1 and closed May 15, 2015.
The advance program is available above.
Poster presentation advice: Poster boards accept a maximum size poster of 36-inches tall x 48-inches wide. Posters will be affixed with thumb tacks.
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Follow this link to register
Conference registration includes complimentary welcome reception (sponsored by Elsevier), banquet on the second night, and lunch each day – your name badge gives you entry to these included events. The banquet (conference dinner) will be held at the Hotel Andaluz conference venue.
Register by July 31, 2015 to receive the discounted rate.
Payment may be made via MasterCard, Visa, or American Express. If unable to pay by credit card, contact Tim Keith at tzkeith@austin.utexas.edu.
Registration fees (in US-Dollar) are being held at last year’s rates:
Faculty |
ISIR Status |
By July 31 |
After July 31 |
Faculty and Postdocs | Member | $ 300 | $ 440 |
Nonmember | $ 390 | $ 600 | |
Student | Member | $ 125 | $ 250 |
Nonmember | $ 210 | $ 345 |
Note: ISIR membership is $40 for regular members and $20 for students. Member can subscribe to the journal at the heavily discounted rates of $40 for electronic access/$60 paper + electronic access.
Travel grants (deadline July 31st): A small number of travel grants will be awarded to graduate students who present a paper at the conference. Priority will be given to students with no other source of travel support or with particularly high travel costs. To apply, e-mail Yulia Kovas your name, affiliation, any other sources of travel support, and whether you have previously received ISIR travel support. You should get an acknowledgement by return e-mail. If not, then follow this up. Decisions will announced on August 10.
John B. Carroll Award. Awarded to the student whose paper is rated as using the best methods. Includes a $500 cash award.
ISIR best graduate student presentation award Awarded to the graduate student who gives the best presentation. Includes a $500 cash award.
The Board of Directors invites hosting proposals for future conferences. Please send expressions of interest and a request for proposal guidelines to the President-Elect by September 1st. All proposals will be reviewed by the Board of Directors