2005: Albuquerque, NM
Host: Detterman and Gartner
Program (Addendum)
Invited Speaker: Nancy Andreasen; Aljosha Neubauer
Distinguished Contributor Interview: Earl Hunt (YouTube)
Photo Gallery
2005 ISIR Templeton Prize for Best Student Paper
Jelte M. Wicherts
As an undergraduate student at the Psychology Department of the University of Amsterdam, Jelte Wicherts was interested in so many psychological topics that he decided to specialize in none of these topics and focus on research methodology and psychometrics instead. This enabled him to develop a broad view on psychology, which remains with him to this day. Under the supervision of Don Mellenbergh and Harrie Vorst, Jelte wrote his Master's thesis on the equivalence of mood and personality questionnaires across different administration methods. ...
2004: New Orleans, LA
Distinguished Contributor Interview: Thomas Bouchard, Jr.
Invited Speaker: Ian Deary
2004 John B. Carroll Award for Research Methodology
Wendy Johnson
Wendy Johnson grew up in Tacoma, Washington, the eldest of three daughters of a civil engineer and psychologist/special education teacher. She graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, with a degree in mathematics. She spent several years as a commercial insurance underwriter and consulting pension actuary in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and then settled down as a consulting casualty actuary for Coopers and Lybrand in San Francisco. She married Glenn Evans in 1989, and they had a daughter and son. With Glenn, she founded ...
2003: Riverside, CA
Distinguished Contributor Interview: Arthur Jensen (Sadly, this interview was not video taped)