2021 Lifetime Achievement Award: Professor Richard J. Haier
ISIR has awarded Richard Haier its highest honor: the Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Intelligence. After obtaining a PhD from Johns Hopkins in 1975 (working in part with Julian Stanley), his was the first study designed to understand the role of brain function – measured with glucose metabolism (using Positron Emission Tomography: PET, in 1988) – during performance of a measure of abstract reasoning. Interestingly, the relationships were inverse, with higher scores being associated with lower glucose metabolism, a finding that ...
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award for Professors Camilla Benbow and David Lubinski
ISIR Lifetime Achievement Award
ISIR has awarded Professors Camilla Benbow and David Lubinski its highest honour: the Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Intelligence. Congratulations to them both.
Professors Camilla Benbow and David Lubinski are best known for leading the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY). This study is globally unique: five cohorts of intellectually talented youth identified over 25 years (1972-1997) and longitudinally tracked throughout their lifespan. Their work has identified educationally ...
2017 Lifetime achievement Award: Jim Flynn
The Lifetime Achievement Award is ISIR’s highest honor, reserved for individuals who have, over their professional lifetime, substantially advanced the field of intelligence. The 2017 awardee was Professor James (Jim) Flynn.
Professor Flynn is a renowned Political Scientist. His work on cognitive ability and IQ incorporates his background in philosophy and political science. He is best known for his discovery that IQ has been increasing across most of the last century in the West. Always ready to improve his, and our, understanding of the causes and consequences of ...
2016 Lifetime achievment Award: Warner Schaie
The Lifetime Achievement Award is ISIR’s highest honor, reserved for individuals who have, over their professional lifetime, substantially advanced the field of intelligence. The 2016 awardee was Professor K Warner Schaie, founder of the Seattle Longitudinal Study.
Professor Schaie's work link gerontology with social and psychological science. Realizing the need for longitudinal research, he founded the Seattle Longitudinal Study. Since the 1950s, this work has revealed complex patterns of preservation, decline, and advance, alongside links to lifestyle and social ...
2015 Lifetime Achievement Award: John Loehlin
The Lifetime Achievement Award is ISIR’s highest honor, reserved for individuals who have, over their professional lifetime, substantially advanced the field of intelligence.
The 2015 awardee was Professor John Loehlin. Professor Loehlin has contributed to statistics (he has a multi-edition book on structural equation modeling), computational modeling (he wrote some of the earliest simulations in psychology, twin research - he still publishes actively in this field, and, of course in intelligence. He assembled one of the first large twin studies, and over decades ...